By: Geraldine Salvatore Senda
Class: XI.2
In Indonesia, education has its own special day. On that day, schools usually hold flag ceremonies. The flag ceremony has a deep meaning, where all students and teachers remember the struggle of the heroes who fought colonialism. National Education Day in Indonesia is celebrated every year on May 2.
This day commemorates the birth of Ki Hadjar Dewantara, an Indonesian education figure considered the Father of Indonesian National Education. Ki Hadjar Dewantara was born on May 2, 1889, in Yogyakarta and is known as an education pioneer in Indonesia during the Dutch colonial era. He fought for the equal rights of the Bumiputera, including in the field of education, and was known to be brave in opposing the government's education policies in the Dutch East Indies at that time.
Nowadays, most students often take education for granted, but through education, one can achieve a better life in the future. Then, the question of the importance of education for students can be raised.
This question must have crossed everyone's mind, including the students themselves. According to Emile Durkheim: "Education is the process of socialization in which individuals learn the norms, values, and skills necessary to become productive members of society." In other words, with education, students can broaden their horizons, discover their talents, and train in ethics and manners. How the students do that? Through the teaching and learning process, of course. The teaching and learning process is an example of education itself. In the teaching and learning process, teachers and students are involved.
Can the teaching and learning process provide several benefits for students? The first is to broaden the students' horizons. One example of education is the teaching and learning process. Teachers impart their knowledge to the students in the teaching and learning process. The students will capture the information when the teacher explains or demonstrates something. Indirectly, the information adds to the student's knowledge.
The second is to help students discover their talents. Without realizing it, some people discover their talents through education. How? By studying. People can know their quality of self when they know themselves well by learning. They can know where their strengths and weaknesses are through the learning process they go through.
The third is practicing ethics and manners. In school, the role of the teacher is the most dominant. This is because the teacher is an example for students. Through the teacher's behavior, students learn about ethics and manners. In addition, because they are the givers of information that broadens students' horizons, students will indirectly respect teachers.
So there you have it, how education provides several benefits to students. Through the teaching and learning process and the role of a teacher, students can broaden their horizons, discover their talents, and be trained in ethics and manners.
Editor: Fr. Aris Mada, SVD