Michela Fiorencira Agatha
Class: X-7
Proyek Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila (P5) is a scientific discipline program that focuses students on observing and thinking about solutions to problems that occur in the surrounding environment. P5 is one of the innovations implemented in the Merdeka Curriculum, which aims to produce remarkable and qualified students who have faith, are devoted to God Almighty, and have noble character, global diversity, a spirit of cooperation, independence, critical reasoning, and creativity.
This is my first year as a grade X student at SMAK Syuradikara to experience learning with the Merdeka Curriculum System and, of course, P5. In semester 1, the theme of P5 was "I Love the Earth". The students in the class were divided into six groups with an average of 5-6 members. After that, we were all given a briefing regarding the assignment with a specified topic. We did it well under the guidance of the accompanying teacher. We then presented the results of the discussion in front of other friends. The presentation was filled with questions and reflections, which was interesting and increased our enthusiasm for the topic "I Love Earth". Of course, more than theorizing will be needed; P5 activities are also included with real action. We learned how to make fertilizer and carry out scheduled environmental cleanups.
I learn many new things from the topic "I Love the Earth". This topic gives me extensive knowledge regarding global warming, its causes, impacts, and solutions related to human life and the preservation of the earth. Global warming, which is an increase in the earth's temperature, is caused by greenhouse gases that come from daily human activities. These human activities include burning rubbish, throwing rubbish carelessly, and excessive air pollution. Irresponsible things that we consider "simple" can actually endanger our survival. Global warming causes irregular climate changes, melting glaciers, and facilitates the spread of diseases such as respiratory diseases. This problem must be prevented and stopped immediately; the preservation of the earth needs to be maintained and cared for always. We can start with the easiest way by throwing rubbish in the right place and saving electricity usage. After that, we can do more things such as recycling or environmental conservation.
Everything depends on our awareness and intentions. If we don't care about global warming, it is the same as being a selfish person who doesn't even care about their life. We must realize that carrying out activities to prevent global warming means we care about ourselves, other people, animals, and plants that live on earth. The earth is our common home, a place to live that we must always care for and preserve. It gives us everything, and we as humans must prove our love for the earth, protecting its beauty and its green. If not us, who else?
Editor: Fr. Aris Mada, SVD